
8 things to consider while packing for your trip.

Packing for your trip may seem simple but the truth is that packing is like science that follows a set of rules, such that if these rules are neglected it makes packing become very frustrating and tasking. The stress of dragging heavy suitcases for travel can actually be brought to the barest minimum, that’s why before packing for any trip ask yourself some vital questions, or better still you can make a checklist to determine what you will need and how much of those items you’ll need for your trip and not what you want.

The reason most of us end up packing heavy luggage is that we didn’t make our time to actually decide what is needed for the trip. When packing for a trip, it is crucial that you:

·         Pack all essentials needed for your trip, this includes your travel passport, ID cards, boarding passes, hotel reservations (if any), wallet, credit card, cell phone, etc. Most of the time forgetting one can actually put you in disarray.

·         Consider the time of the year in which you’re making the trip (summer, or winter), and also how long you’ll be going for. This will help you in the type of clothing outfits and shoes to consider and how many of those outfits are needed for the trip.

·         Choose an appropriately sized suitcase not necessarily a big one, this is because most times when we go for the bigger suitcases, we tend to pack more than needed for a trip. It is therefore important to go for a suitcase appropriate for the trip.

·         Divide all items into sections based on how or where they’ll be packed for easy access and also your travel outfit should be layout and matched with the rest of the outfits you’re packing. This is very important as it helps make your packing in the suitcase organized.

·         Pick a simple mix and matching outfit to prevent over-packing. Simple tops and bottoms (trousers, skirts, shorts, etc.) that can be mixed and matched to make multiple outfits are best preferable, this helps to reduce the amount of clothing you will have to pack. Depending on the reason why you are making this trip, you might need to pack a special outfit for an occasion that will be worn once, this could be a suit, bridesmaid dress, cultural attire, etc depending on the occasion.

·         Arrange your outfits properly into your suitcase, this can be done by either folding, bundling, or rolling, inter-fold the outfits before placing them into the suitcase.

·         Sort out your toiletries and pack liquid toiletries in a secured bag (plastic) to avoid spillage. As much as possible avoid toiletries that are big and bulky to carry, 

·         Should check, double-check and triple-check all that you’ve arranged before packing for your trip and zipping up your suitcase, this is so you can be sure everything you’ve packed is what you actually need for the trip. Sometimes you might discover that there are some items that need to go back into your closet.

The importance of traveling light can’t be overemphasized because it saves time, energy and eases stress. If you want tips on how to apply for your UK visa, you can contact