
A Typical Train Travel Experience in Nigeria

Have you ever traveled by train before or wondered how traveling on a train would be? Are you thinking of traveling by train because you think it’s cheaper or because it’s going to be a forehand experience for you? If any of the above questions is what’s on your mind right now, think no more and take a step of exploring a different type of land transportation (railways) by train.

Traveling by train is actually great, it’s an experience that waws you and is way more comfortable, faster and safer than traveling on roads with cars and buses.

I had an amazing experience taking a trip using the train, having some amazing and not-so-amazing fun. So considering the fact that the railway tracks have not yet been extended to Abuja, we have to travel by car first to Itakpe in Kogi state where tickets were bought manually from the counter. 

The train moves twice a day, in the morning by 8:00am and noon which is by 2:00pm. When the train leaves Itakpe by 8:00am it’s expected to arrive Udjevwu Warri Delta state before 2:00pm and to leave Udjevwu by 2:00pm respectively heading back to Itakpe.

So after you have been welcomed onboard the train and seated in your respective coaches according to seat numbers, the journey by train has begun. The train is big, the ACs are working and you can also watch tv programs while on your trip. There is also a small shop situated inside where snacks and drinks are sold to travelers and the convenience is neat because there were janitors on board who were frequently checking and cleaning after it had been used.

So persons who boarded the train from Itakpe in Kogi state to Udjevwu in Warri Delta state, and have been sitting for a long period of time can actually take a troll to other coaches of the train exercising their legs and also use the opportunity to explore the rest sectors of the train how they look.

Just like the airlines, the train has a first-class section where you and your family can relax and feel more comfortable, with different compartments for luggage above. And they have train stations in various communities along the way. Some of these train stations include: Agbaro, Abraka, Agbor, Agenebode, etc. there are the exciting views you see through the window watching nature.

As exciting and fascinating as the trip was, there were a few flaws that needed to be pointed out for improvement. They are:

  • Lack of enough coaches: the coaches in the available train are not enough thereby resulting in some passengers standing during their journey, if additional coaches are added to the trains it will convey more people and there will be more seats for passengers during their trips.
  • Small train stations: the train stations that were built are just too small with very few chairs or no chairs at all for people to sit down during transit resulting in sitting on the grounds for those that cannot stand for a long period of time. Building new spaces or expansion of the previous ones will be of importance and chairs should also be provided.
  • Selling tickets manually: standing in a queue waiting to purchase a ticket sometimes is very frustrating. I would rather suggest the introduction of e-ticketing. Making your trip bookings and getting your tickets online will help reduce the long queues drastically.
  • The train station not getting not getting to Abuja is also a major challenge for many people who would have loved to travel by train. An extension or construction of the railway tracks to Abuja and its environs will greatly boost the activities of the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC).

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